Topic: Isle of the Unknown hex 1316 immunity question

The pyra-keet in hex 1316 can only be damaged by silver weapons and yet will regenerate all wounds except damage caused by fire.

Is there an errata for this monster or am I missing something from the description?

Re: Isle of the Unknown hex 1316 immunity question

Whenever I read things like "can only be damaged by silver weapons" I generally read it as applying to physical/melee damage only (ie: stabbing, cutting, smashing). Other forms of damage, such as fire or magic, still work just fine, unless otherwise noted.

I could be wrong in that interpretation, but it's been working well enough for me for years now, hehe.

Re: Isle of the Unknown hex 1316 immunity question

I believe that to mean magical fire causes damage that cannot be regenerated and that is likely due to the description that it is totally furry. Poof, regrow that hair!