Topic: James -- a question about XP in your campaign


In LotFP you push the idea that Civilization is Safe. And that Adventure is "out there" in the wilds.

But in the modules I'm reading from you, Civilization doesn't seem safe at all! Towns and churches and homes on city streets -- not to mention in in invading armies --are the source of tension for the PCs.

First, is this a shift for you in how you're playing/using the game?
If not, can you talk a little bit about this anyway?

Second, since the PCs seem as much caught up in politics or saving towns, is XP still built on dragging treasure out if dangerous places? I understand treasure is still lying around to be found in dangerous places. But in the rules this is *the* reason for PCs to get odd their asses and go into a hole in the ground. But if I'm getting involved with sorcerers to save a town and the treasure just happens to be there -- it's nice, but not the *reason*.

Could you talk at all about how your home sessions are working, how much is based on heading out for treasure, and if there's any shift in rules or play because of this?


Re: James -- a question about XP in your campaign

The new Ref book will address this.

Basically, if there's something weird going on (wizard's tower, cult activity), all the stuff you get from them counts as XP whether or not you take it from them in town or out in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes, when dealing with other concerns in civilized areas, there's not much XP to be had at all for a session or three.

Re: James -- a question about XP in your campaign
