Topic: Jim, I need help with Summoning

Dear Jim,

An MU in a adventure I referree had a bad roll while using the Summoning spell.  The result was "Imaginary Equation, Incorrect yet True."  We decided to end the session for the evening, because nobody had any idea how to resolve this result in game.  I said I would request some guidance from you.  What happens now?

Thank you,

Re: Jim, I need help with Summoning

Here's how I would handle it:

1. The player of the Magic-User casting the Summon spell must take 2 or more dice from 2 or more people and roll them. Then ignore the roll.

2. Then a random 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th-level Magic-User spell is cast. Make all necessary rolls (saving throws, damage dice, whatever), and last of all apply the result to a random target.

3. Any Clerics present must slay the person present who has the highest Strength score. If the Clerics succeed, they are OK. If the Clerics fail, they disappear into the past or into the future. The players of these vanished Clerics must now roll new characters.

Last edited by Geoffrey (2011-09-16 23:33:24)

Re: Jim, I need help with Summoning

Wow, your interpretation rocks, Geoffrey! Should this result come up, I will definitely use it.

Re: Jim, I need help with Summoning

Thanks for the input Geoffrey.  But really, Step 1 has no in-game effect.  Your step 2 and step 3 are cool.  But I think I'll see if Mr Raggi replies, since he'll know for sure.

Re: Jim, I need help with Summoning

Ha ha...I think my brain just exploded and then vanished.  ;-)

Re: Jim, I need help with Summoning

Ed Dove's response is what I want people to do with the result. Not his conclusions necessarily, but providing personal interpretation. The idea of that result is that nothing makes sense anymore.

Re: Jim, I need help with Summoning


My brain hurts.