(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

"If there is less than a full crew, but more than three-quarters of the full crew, a ship’s speed is
reduced by 25% or the ship takes 1d6 SHP in damage that day.

If there is less than three-quarters crew, but more than one-half of the full crew, a ship’s speed
is reduced by 25% and the ship takes 1d6 SHP in damage that day.

If there is less than one-half crew, but more than one-quarter of the full crew, a ship’s speed is reduced by 50% and the ship takes 1d6 SHP in damage that day.

If there is less than one-quarter of the full crew, then the ship cannot be controlled. It drifts as
decided by the Referee and the ship takes 1d6 SHP in damage that day."

The effect of the first two crew levels are the same. Is this an error? Should having less than 3/4's of the crew but more than 1/2 of it have a different effect on the ship? If not why not combine the two, so it's simpler?

"If there is less than a full crew, but more than one-half of the crew, a ship's speed is reduced by 25% and the ship takes 1d6 SHP in damage that day."


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

"The Specialist must be unencumbered to use any of the class abilities that involve movement, and must have Specialist Tools (see Equipment section) to use Search for finding traps or to use Tinker for opening locks or other such activities"

"All characters have a base 1 in 6 chance to use the Climb skill, which allows a character to climb walls and other sheer surfaces without obvious hand-holds. Characters (except Specialists) must be unencumbered to make this attempt."

These two sections seem to contradict each other. Am I just reading it wrong?


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

You've pluralized Dwarf to Dwarfs (not Dwarves) but Elf to Elves (not Elfs). This is not a criticism, I just find it curious.


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

"They do have a natural connection with the Earth itself and a cultural understanding of construction and due to this has a greater initial Architecture score than other

Has should be Have


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

The Specialist's Saving Throws chart is a spacebar click (or so) more to the right than the Saving Throw charts of the other classes

The handful of DMs I've played with that run LOTFP, or allow characters made in that system in to their games, have not so far allowed the use of Summon. I actually had a DM that let my character use the spell, which I cast without failure several times, only to revoke that permission later (after he read the spell description).

The most common reason cited for house-ruling Summon out of play are the Abstract Forms and the list of negative consequences for failing domination. It's usually phrased like "I don't want one spell cast to explode the world" or "Letting a million demons loose in the middle of town isn't going to happen in my game"

So, does your DM/Ref allow Summon in your game? and Why/Why not?


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)


"The materials used to draw and decorate the circles are crucial to communicating their infor-mation to the summoned creatures. 500 sp worth of materials is required to invest in a circle for every +1 bonus to the caster's Domination roll, and this is consumed with every casting."

That the Thaumaturgic Circle materials are consumed with each cast is new. One of my characters had constructed a leather roll with an inscribed loop of silver chain that he'd carry around to aid him in casting Summon. The intent was to continually add to it and make it more elaborate and expensive. too bad that that is no longer Rules permissible.


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)


The new version does not give the exact formula by which you determine the maximum level of entity the caster can summon. The new version indicates that the information will be found further in the entry but it is not there. Thaumaturgic Circles and Sacrifices are shown to be components of the formula for determining Domination Rolls only, not max entity HD.

Indiegogo Edition:

Step One
The caster must decide how powerful a creature—
expressed in terms of Hit Dice—he will attempt to
summon. This cannot be more than two times the
caster's level, but the caster's effective level for this
purpose can be modified by Thaumaturgic Circles
and Sacrifices—see below.

Grindhouse Edition:

Creatures with more Hit Dice than two times the caster level (plus Thaumaturgic Circle and Sacrifice modifiers -see below) will not answer the summons.


Step One
The caster must decide how powerful a creature - expressed in terms of Hit Dice - he will attempt to summon. Creatures with more Hit Dice than two times the caster level (plus Thaumaturgic Circle and Sacrifice modifiers - see below) will not answer the summons.

The above could be read a couple ways. It might be best just to list the specific formula as a formula.

Is it HD = 2 (Caster Level) + (Circle Mod + Sacrifice Mod)
or HD = 2(Caster Level + Circle Mod + Sacrifice Mod)?


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)


The entry for "10. World Under Water" appears out of order. It appears after the two paragraphs that discuss the Referee's freedom to add Forms/Appendages/Etc and Summoning specific entities via Spell Research or Discovery. Those two paragraphs could use their own heading to clearly separate them from the Abstract forms section.


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)


"Roll the indicated die type ... This is the Base Number. Roll that die again. If the new roll is less than the Base Number, then roll an appendage on the following table. Roll again and keep adding appendages until a new roll greater than, or equal to, the previous roll is made."

By previous roll you mean the Base Number? If that's the case please use that term. This is specifically one of the areas where I found the Summon description to be confusing in the original version. The text uses non specific or vague terminology and overall the new text of the spell is better this could be clearer.

"Roll the indicated die type ... This is the Base Number. Roll that die again. If the new roll is less than the Base Number, then roll an appendage on the following table. Continue rolling and adding appendages until a new roll greater than, or equal to, the Base Number is made."

I'm glad to see a rule for when the Domination Rolls tie, but I don't care for what you've chosen. The clear intent of the new rule is to increase the odds of a domination win for the summoned entity on ties. A tie is really a loss now, most of the time. In cases where the casters level and entity's HD + # of powers are equal: 2/5's of the d20 rolls are an uncontested entity win and nearly 3/5's of the d20 rolls offer a chance of entity success.

Summon is the most dangerous spell in LOTFP, the only way to near-ensure success is to make massive financial and/or sanguine preparations prior to casting. Perhaps this tie rule merely emphasizes that but I'd rather not see all the player's preparatory effort thrown away by a single unlucky roll. 

On a tie, I'd rather see each side continue to make domination rolls, retaining all bonuses, until a victor is determined. The caster and entity could be barred from taking other actions until the contest was decided, one domination roll per round. If the caster takes any actions to break his concentration or either take damage then the entity is free to rampage for dx rounds. This seems fair to me and narratively interesting.


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)


I use Foxit Reader to view PDFs. Is anyone else seeing this layout issue for the Specialist entry?


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

"All characters begin their adventuring careers with
money and equipment with which to start their
adventuring career."

I'm not going to critique every awkward sentence, but this one is terrible and easily fixed.

"All characters start with money and equipment with which to begin their adventuring careers."

"New characters, since their equipment is considered to
be gathered during their travels prior to the start of
play, the players can use the less expensive prices
when buying equipment."

"Since their equipment is considered to have been gathered during their travels prior to the start of play, new characters may use the less expensive prices when buying equipment."


(25 replies, posted in LotFP Gaming Forum)

"Wisdom modifiers affect the character’s non-spell related saving throw
rolls, and for Clerics it affects the time (and thus
expense) required to research spells and create holy
items, as well as influencing the saving throws those
subject to the Cleric’s spells."

It looks like you are missing an "of" between "throws" & "those"

"...influencing the saving throws of those subject to the Cleric's spells."

This isn't an error, but it would be nice if the page numbers of the spells were listed on the Mage & Cleric Spell List Pages.

"Bookspeak" is listed as a first level spell in the Magic-User Spell List on Page 86 of The Grindhouserulesfree.pdf but the spell description is missing (at least I can't find it)

Also on that same list, "Read Magic*" is not numbered. It appears after "Message" and before "Shield"

Is "Strange Waters II" the only version of the Strange Waters spell in the Rule book?

I only have GrindhouseRulesMagicFree.pdf at the moment.

funkaoshi, it seems every domination result starts with:

"You domination check was a 8 vs. the creature's 18."

instead of "Your domination check..."

Rolled up this result on the site.

Blood Demon
You rolled a 27 vs 14 when trying to Save vs. Magic. You summoned a Blood demon with the following appendages: Slimy Spine.

It looks like you are adding the Sacrifice and Circle bonuses to the Magic Save. That's not what the rules call for. It's just a straight Magic Save with no Bonuses to determine the Die you Roll to Determine the Basic Form.

Here is my most up to date version of the Spreadsheet for those that are interested.
Undiscovered bugs aside, I believe this version is 100% compliant with the LOTFP Rules as written with the exception of the tie on Domination Rule that I made up, and that there are only 6 slots for Appendages and Powers (that doesn't stop someone from using this to determine more)


password is still lotfp

James, right now the only way to get the base forms from 13 to 20 is to fail your Magic Save. As a Magic User increases in level his chances of Summoning some of the coolest things diminish greatly, because of his improving Magic Resistance. The solution to this problem seems to be the last paragraph of the spell description which says:

"Summon spells to call specific beings can be researched (or discovered). They will be first level spells but must be research as if they were a level equal to the summoned creature's Hit Dice + Number of Powers."

You've said you are going to be reworking this section a bit for the new printing. I would be glad to see some change here that would not make more powerful Magic Users less capable of summoning these neat things.

I would rather see an increase in the variety of things a Magic User could summon as he leveled, including the "OMG HE ROLLED A 20" ones. Rather than a decrease in that variety as you level.

Also, when rolling powers, if you failed your magic save, if you roll the max number for your Base Number on whichever die you have to use, you automatically fail Domination, because the creature will have an infinite number of powers.

Maybe the die you Roll to determine the base form increases in sides as you level?

Very nice, funkaoshi.

You can summon a 0 HD monster, which just gets base stats. The lowest the program seems to allow is a 1HD monster

Also on the popup for the Bonuses you spell Sacrificing "scarificing"

I wanted a guide to streamline the process of casting the Summon spell. In the middle of rearranging the text from the LOTFP rulebook in to the order I'd want it when my character was going to use the spell, I decided to take a crack at creating a spreadsheet that would automate the process. I got permission from James before posting what is essentially his work just reordered. The below link contains a zipped file with a PDF of the reordered Summoning Spell (stripped of much of the nicely written but nonessential flavor text), listed in the order I found useful for myself, 2 identical Spreadsheets (one Excel Format the other in Open Office Format), and a Readme where I discuss how terrible I am at Excel and what changes/omissions I've made as well as the password to unlock the spreadsheet.

Edited Out Spreadsheet. New Improved Version Soon.

James do you have an opinion on what the outcome should be if the Caster and the Summoned Creature tie on their Domination Rolls? I made something up for the Spreadsheet, but that's easily changed.

What happens if the Domination rolls tie? I couldn't find this in the book.

Perhaps the creature and Magic User are locked in a domination struggle for X rounds where neither can take any action other
than continue the domination attempts. After X rounds the summoned creature returns to it's place of origin?

I don't find the geometric shapes for Cleric and Mage spells on the character sheet (listed as sections L&M in the book) to be useful at all. I'd much prefer something like this:


Where you'd just fill in the pips for however many spells you can memorize by level. It continues the visual theme used elsewhere on the form and is useful for both Clerics and Mages.