
Read on for information about LotFP releases and news.

14.08.2024: New Release Info, Retailer Info, US Webstore Taking Orders Again!

Lots of news since last time.

This should have posted when they went on sale, but the new releases - A True Relation of the Great Virginia Disastrum 1633, Don't Fuck the Priest, Heart of the Saint, and Lair of the Brain Eaters - are now available through the EU webstore.

Here is an introduction to those titles. Here is a promo for the deluxe Disastrum set.

We have set up a new retailer section of the site to help you find local more local stores that carry LotFP. If you are a store carrying LotFP - and have stocked new titles as of 2024 - let us know and we'll add you to the list. If you are interested in carrying LotFP, get in touch for wholesale terms.

And the announcement about the US webstore:

The LotFP US Webstore is finally open again!

For orders outside of the US, we are only accepting orders totaling 1.5kg or lighter. Otherwise, you should use the EU webstore. The EU webstore continues to ship (almost) worldwide.

Countries for the worldwide shipping option need to be manually entered into the system so if you're ordering 1.5kg of goods or less and it doesn't give you any shipping options, let us know and we'll enter your country into the system.

The new books (Disastrum, DFTP, Heart of the Saint, Lair of the Brain Eaters) are on their way to the US warehouse but it might be a little bit before they arrive.

Prices in the US webstore continue to be listed in euros, and weights in grams, for boring administrative reasons. The shipping is done by someone in the US, but all the accounting etc. is still done in Finland.

Any other questions, send to

Until next time...

- Jim Helsinki

18.06.2024: New Releases Imminent; Introducing the new Weird Crushers

The upcoming LotFP releases will be delivered from the printer THIS WEEK!

Leading up to the big new releases... here are the FIVE new Weird Crushers that will start shipping out with the new stuff!

Find out more about the Weird Crushers here!

31.01.2024: US Warehouse Clearance Sale!

We're having a Buy One Get One Free sales over at the LotFP US Webstore.

No coupon code needed... the cost of the free items will be discounted automatically in the shopping cart, and the cheapest items will be the free ones. There's no limit to the number of items, as many books as you buy, you can get an equal amount free. Just put everything you want into the shopping cart and let the system show you the discount.

We've also finally made international ordering available again. It's not cheap, and I promise I'll tell the warehouse people to put BOOKS on the customs forms insread of "GAMES", but they've proven to be very bad at that and if they mess it up there's nothing I can do about it.

Do note that we've also discounted a number of items down to 25€ so you can save even more... in particular I want to point out that the 336 page Adventure Anthology: Blood is now 25€, discounted from its 60€ regular price. That's the anthology of adventures published before LotFP went all grindhouse so hopefully we can unload a bunch of those during the sale. 6x6x6, Big Puppet, Earth Incubation Crisis, Fermentum, Strict Time Records, Terror in the Streets, and World of the Lost are the other titles discounted to 25€.

Sale runs through February 20.

I do want to note that I hadn't planned on running any sales this year, certainly not such a drastic one, and definitely not one that included our latest releases... but our contract with our current US warehouse has been terminated and we've got to move everything out. Hopefully with this sale we can lighten that load and cover the costs of moving the remaining stock to a new home.

So better buy now, because I don't know what the status of the US webstore will be at the end of February. Hopefully we can get it up and running with a new fulfillment house, but this situation is still pretty fresh and nothing is confirmed as of this time.

01.11.2023: LotFP's FIRST SNOW 2023 SALE!

Snow fell here in Helsinki a couple days ago and it stuck on the ground for some hours! So let's have a FIRST SNOW SALE!

We have in the pipeline some of our biggest projects ever so we really need to clear out some space and raise some production money. So oodles of our back catalog is 50% off through Sunday November 5!

Just use the coupon code 23SNOW when checking out in either our US or EU webstores.

Titles included in the sale:

EU Webstore (ships worldwide):

Adventure Anthology: Blood
Adventure Anthology: Death
Adventure Anthology: Fire
Big Puppet
Big Terror in the Streets (box)
Cursed Chateau
Frostbitten & Mutilated
Green Messiah
Idea from Space
In a Deadly Fashion
No Rest for the Wicked
Rules & Magic (regular cover)
Wight Power
World of the Lost
Towers Two

US Webstore (ships to US addresses only)

Adventure Anthology: Blood
Adventure Anthology: Fire
Big Puppet
Book of Antitheses
Forgive Us
Green Messiah
Idea from Space
In a Deadly Fashion
Rules & Magic
No Rest for the Wicked
Staffortonshire Trading Company Works
Terror in the Streets
Towers Two
Wight Power
World of the Lost

13.10.2023: New Releases in the LotFP US Webstore

Hello all!

New releases now available in the LotFP US webstore:

Galileo 2: Judgment Day
Meandering of the Mine Mind
Temple of the Wurm
Yellow Book of Brechewold

plus we have fully restocked a couple of titles:

Broodmother SkyFortress
Random Esoteric Creature Generator

And then we have a number of Gen Con leftovers that weren't meant to be released through the US webstore, so numbers are VERY LIMITED on these:

Black Chamber
Do Not Accept This Quest
Faecal Lands
Gift for All of Norway
Green Devil Face #7
Jovian Visitor
No Salvation for Witches (reprint)
Qelong (hardcover reprint)

Product descriptions for everything are in the store.

Unfortunately we are still only able to ship to US addresses through the US webstore, but as always our EU webstore ships pretty much everywhere:

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