That is the idol of St.Patrick who drove the snakes from Ireland.  The order of St. Patrick of which Alice is a member, had it safe in their deepest vault as an object of reverence.  Unfortunately some damn Vikings came by and burned the original monastery to the ground, its collapsed ruins being built over by a newer Abbey.   Centuries later the Flame Princess was able to sneak into the ruins below the current Abbey and retrieve it at Alice's behest.   Alice however does not like what was found and cannot believe this being is being venerated by her order, this is obviously some hideous fraud!

The Magic-User however,  she is very interested in this idol and has come at the behest of the Flame Princess (annoyed that Alice was trying to avoid paying for it).  She knows what this idol is, she knows that St. Patrick did not drive off the serpents of Ireland but consumed them in his ancient feud with the serpent men.  This idol is the key to the Sky-rift, because the King in heaven for the order of St. Patrick does not wear robes of white...